Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Captured In The Heart

What do you see through your rose-colored glasses?
Strawberries with a Smile!
There were many great images from the Strawberry Festival Sunday two weeks ago.  John Roman broke out the rose-colored glasses to inspire our imaginative thinking.  Strawberries, ice cream and chocolate sauce were served up with a smile.  And, of course, there was that marvelous spread that always transpires when Rock Springers are invited to bring a dish to share.  This time it was supplemented by lots of good stuff coming off the grill from YoRS.

Much of this was captured on camera, but I think my favorite image of the day was not.  It was an image that was captured in my heart.  The image I am referring to happened not in Carpenter Hall at the Strawberry Festival, but in worship earlier in the morning. 

The Spread
Communion was served by intinction that Sunday (meaning we invite everyone forward to receive).   One young child, after receiving communion with her family, returned to her seat and stood between her parents, on her pew.  I watched as she stood on tip toe, leaning forward, straining to see all of the other people in the congregation come forward to receive the gift she had just taken.  Watching this young girl, her face lit up with expectancy and joy, helped me enter the experience more fully.

Occasionally, I will hear adults suggest that a child is too young to understand communion.  Often, I think it is adults who have the most difficulty because we try to use our head too much and overload ritual with doctrine.  Clearly, this young child experienced, "take, eat, this is for you" as an act of love, generosity, and abundance.  It is a mental image I will cherish in my heart.